About what he calls the 'ladder' to Company email list sustainable success in online marketing . In which he describes the steps to follow to build your online strategy. This post reminded me of one i wrote in 2009 (not because i'm comparing myself to avinash. But because it's about the same thing! About online marketing cycles (how to plan your online strategy) . In which i proposed the order to follow when implementing the different online channels/strategies. And it seemed like a good idea to review my own approaches and make a new version. Stages of the evolution of an online marketing strategy - tristan elosegui stages of the evolution of an online marketing strategy at a general level. We can see that the steps that the company must follow to evolve its online strategy coincide with the stages of the purchase funnel or marketing funnel . The first stages prepare the web. And seek to generate traffic ( awareness Company email list.
From here the strategy and the Company email list web evolve and channels are incorporated that contribute to engagement ( consideration ). Users know us and begin to find us through sem ( category). We optimize 100% the web and the campaigns for sale ( action ) and finally we have our home on the internet ready to build loyalty ( advocacy ) to our clients. This does not mean that from the beginning we are not going to sell or try to retain our users. Only that our strategy and the online channels that we use must evolve. At the same rate that we are 'conquering' the different stages of the purchase funnel or funnel of marketing. We must 'conquer' each phase of the funnel in order to advance to the next when launching a product. We must focus on making it known to our audience (awareness). As soon as they know a product. Few people consider their purchase (consideration Company email list.
Few or none buy it (action) and much less have become loyal users (advocacy Company email list. So. In these first moments. Our funnel will be shaped like a glass of champagne (many users in awareness. Much less in consideration. Etc.). As we generate traffic and visits begin to recur (and our strategy evolves). We will see 'signs' that users are beginning to consider purchasing (visits to product comparators. Catalog downloads . Use of the search engine. Etc. Etc.). At this time we can consider that we have 'conquered' the awareness phase. And we have to work so that people who are thinking of buying (consideration) end up doing so (action). Stages of the evolution of an online marketing strategy phase 1: audience acceptable website in the phase prior to the launch. In the strategic part we are going to focus on the analysis of the situation (market. Company and audience) and on the other hand Company email list.